Thursday, June 12, 2008

Can we trust Pak Lah?

Taken from The Star.
"PM: No more petrol price increase this year."
Most of the blogs I read ask this question...
"Can we believe Pak Lah's word?"
In Malay...
"Boleh caya ke cakap Pak Lah ni?"
I didn't raise this question... she raised it, he asked, he questioned, he speculated, he wondered...

Do I need to comment? I'll leave you with this pantun.
Siakap senohong,
Gelama ikan duri,
Selalu cakap bohong,
Lama-lama orang dah tak percaya lagi...
And on other note... just want to post this receipt as a reminder for me... last time a 38 liter fuel fill up cost me around RM73 (banyak tuu)... now...
RM103!!! (lagi banyak tuu) :o

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can we trust Pak Lah?

Well, I dont see why not. We can always trust him to say one thing today, and do the total opposite the next...

Obi Wan Kentucky